Twenty years ago… I had a 10-minute life-altering conversation.
I was chatting with an older sister in the faith. She was the librarian at the Bible College I was attending. I'll admit, I was kinda one of those college punks (as you can see from the pic above), who pushed the rules/guidelines... sometimes just for the sake of pushing (glad God was shaping me to learn lessons in submission)... but others for a real purpose (glad God was training me to never be intimidated and fight for what's right)... Anyways, one evening, in the midst of my studies, she asked me, “what are you going to do after grad?”
I responded with something along the lines of; loving inner city missions, so maybe that, but proceeded to add… “NEVER The Local Church!”
She asked, “Why?”
“… full of hypocrites, folks who act like they got it together for an hour a week but live nothing like it the rest of the time…” and on and on… and on I went. I’m sure you’ve heard the speech, perhaps have even given it, or maybe are even reciting it right now.
She responded with, “Well Ken, you can be part of the problem or part of the solution… which are you?”
Life-altering conversation. I knew that day I wanted to be part of the solution.
I was going to give my life to serve Jesus’ Local Church.
Fast forward to June 3, 2019.
The day before, I had submitted my resignation at my home Church, as their Lead Pastor.
Not because of anything that was wrong, rather because I heard Jesus with crystal clarity. He shared with me that I had fought the fight He brought me home to fight, and that now it was time, to step away and allow that specific mission to be led by the next leader.
I didn’t yet know for certain where Jesus was sending me, I had a hunch, but was awaiting final marching orders.
… Then the morning of June 3 arrived, much like any other day prior, and any other day to come.
It was a Monday, I had my coffee in hand and was sitting in my little reading corner, when all the sudden that day became, unlike any other Monday for me.
… I can do anything in the world I want right now!
I have no job...
There is nothing stopping me!
That moment, was incredibly liberating for me… A N Y T H I N G ! ! !
So I sat on it.
Of all the things I could do… Pastor.
I still wanted to be a part of the solution.
I wanted to be a Pastor.
I even asked my family to talk me out of it.
The pay is so so.
The hours are long and irregular.
A few of the folks are perennially cranky. (If that upsets you… there is a good chance you’re one of them… just saying ;) ;) )
AND they couldn’t, they wouldn’t… in fact, the people who love me most affirmed it… Pastor.
I still want to be a part of the solution. I want to do so as a Pastor.
As I sit lakefront writing, I am bursting with excitement for the next season of life for me and my family.
By God’s Grace, may we be servant warriors of King Jesus, who love, live and lead authentically and passionately towards life & community transformation.
Please don’t misunderstand what I am about to say. Being a part of the solution for me means serving as a Pastor… there are many ways of serving though… you just need to figure out/know yours… AND whatever it is, it is just as important as a Pastor.
So, if you’ve read this far, I leave you with this…
Never underestimate the power of a conversation!
And in the words of a wise older sister in the faith…
“You can be part of the problem or part of the solution… which are you?”