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If I had a redo at the last 15 years, the 1 thing I would do different is...

Other than being a husband, dad, son & brother; the greatest privilege of my life was spending the last 15 years pastoring in my home Church, Southridge. They were the very folks that raised me and now have had hand in raising my boys as well. To them, I am deeply indebted and very grateful for all the love and memories over the years.

As their pastor…

I remember my first Youth Fall Retreat. An unplanned game of tackle football broke out. One of the counselors, Kent, (who has since become one of my best friends), had the ball and ran right at me. Full Speed! I instantly knew there were no plans to juke or spin. This was going to be a clash for the ages. It was beautiful… two dudes hitting each other as hard as they could… in that instant, I knew I was with… “my people”.

I remember my very first AGM. I was as nervous as any young pastor could be. It was there that Amanda spoke up and said thanks for taking the risk and coming home, and thanked the Elders for taking the risk to give me a chance. I remember a couple of months ago, tearing up with Dale and Amanda, as Dale took a risk to share the peace God has given in the midst of life’s ups and downs.

I remember starting a hockey pool as I started my new position. I must have spent hours texting over that pool with Steve. Such a stupid thing that grown men would craft make-believe teams and talk for hours over them. But those hours, lead to a relationship that got us through a couple of life’s challenging situations. So worth it.

I remember the birth of my first son, which came just weeks after the birth of Brad’s first son. I remember the very next day I was scheduled to preach, and Brad was smashing it on the piano in a way I had never seen or heard before… I preached my heart out… 11 people got baptized in the spur of the moment… no class… no certificates… just believe an be baptized! Rocking out with Brad as we served Jesus from the top of the mountain that day was a moment I’ll never forget.

I remember crying my eyes out, as I prepared to write a victim report with Brett. I remember Brett as a teenager teaching me more in that moment than I taught him.

I remember waking up on my 30th, with 30 pairs of underwear strung on my house by the Millar’s. I remember seeing their names written on those gitch… and returning them during the sermon that Sunday (bwahaha).

I remember Rick coming to me saying he wanted to be baptized. He was so ready… in the process, he begged me to come to Fight Farm and meet the guys there. I did. I’ll never regret the bumps, bruises and bloody noses that came from dudes punching each other in the face. So many of those sessions were followed by many opportunities to talk about Jesus afterward. Not gonna stop praying for the Fight Farm anytime soon.

I remember golfing more rounds than I can count with different Elders. In particular, I remember the one time we all went together and played in teams. Larry, who sucks at golf, (sorry Larry), SUNK a 30-foot chip to not only win the hole but essentially… win the round. Miracles still happen!

I remember Elayne sharing how I helped her trust Christian men in leadership again. Really, I need to thank her for showing me the power that my sisters in the faith have to lead God’s people.

I remember watching a Grey Cup with the Wack’s. They offered me a cold one… I knew right then and there I was with more than just folks in my congregation, I was with friends, who had no agenda, but to enjoy good company while watching a great game.

I remember processing way too many young deaths. I mean way too many. In the midst of all that hurt and unexplainable pain, I remember Wade, asking how to share his faith, doing it, and seeing his brother-in-law come to know Jesus. Can’t wait to see you in heaven Brian! Looking forward to a round of golf with you on the rolling green fairways of the New Earth.

I remember meeting with Cal every Friday morning for breakfast at A&W. Praying together, after sharing all our struggles, hurts, ideas, and dreams was a highlight of every week. He showed me what it means to be a spiritual father. I promise to do the same for a young man one day!

I remember walking the very places that Jesus walked with 42 people from Southridge. Dancing together with Idella on the boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee was a thrill, especially as I learned afterward of her fear of water. I’ll always remember us having Communion at the Garden Tomb, seeing Uncle Dwayne eyes pop when I asked him to serve The Cup to his peers… something I hope to witness again, with someone in my new congregation.

I remember so many people finding freedom, as they experienced deliverance from demonic strongholds. I’m so glad Kels taught me how to hear the voice of Jesus as I counsel and pray with folks in need of freedom, healing, and deliverance.

I remember having a life long “Baptist”, Loren, share with me, that he was so glad that we learned how to follow Holy Spirit together. Thank you, Jesus, for rescuing us from our desire to please others and ourselves. We can not overcome flesh with more flesh. So please fill us fresh with the Spirit’s power, to be the men You want/need, and we want/long to be.

I remember waking up for 6:30 am every Wednesday to meet with the guys. They all blessed me, but I will never forget Mark helping me understand how Jesus… for the JOY set before Him… endured the cross. #grateful

I remember hours of teasing Leah. Janel still wonders how she handled it… it’s called working with your little sister. It’s an occupational hazard when working with your big bro. Seriously though, I couldn’t have worked with anyone better.

I remember Leah’s soon to be husband, Sean, hugging me and crying as he shared how our meeting was life-altering. I remember that came after one of the worst weekends of ministry a pastor in his home town could have… he gave me so much hope and assurance that day. Thank You.

I remember moving back home, not sure where my brother and sister were at in their walk with Jesus. Countless BBQ’s later… reflecting on baptizing them with our Southridge family… still brings tears to my eyes as my heart fills with joy.

I remember having the best neighbors a man could have. The hardest part of moving is definitely not being able to have Mom and Dad a stone’s throw away. Some folks wonder how we did that… I wonder how they can go through life not doing it!

Anyways, this is only scratching the surface of the memories I will always cherish from the last 15 years.

So, what would I do differently…?

I’d spend way more time, making memories like these, and way less time allowing the “religious critics” (aka energy vampires) to monopolize my time and talents. Nothing is worth keeping me, and those I love from enjoying the thrill of being a part of The Kingdom.


Lesson learned!

For what it’s worth… I hope you too can learn from my mistake.

Now… to a whole new set of memories here in Fort Saskatchewan!

Jesus. May you accomplish immeasurable more than I ever hoped, dreamed or imagined in this new season! Amen.

With Shouts of Joy

- Kenny

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